Road Works Warning - by Will
Advance notice of the following sets of roadworks. Care should be taken especially at Forfar Road /Kingsway as major works are about to commence. Also please note that a section of Pitkerro Road will also be closed for a while in order to facilitate resurfacing.
Details of this are below;
Further to our previous correspondence we are now in the position tostart the work on the trunk roads in Dundee. A reminder to you that wewill be converting the existing roundabouts at Kingsway/Forfar road andClaverhouse to light controlled junctions. This work will be carried outin phases and we will keep all of you up to date as the work progresses.
The first phase of the works which will commence on the 3rd September2007 will entail the construction of two cross over points on the verges above and below the existing roundabout at the junction of Claverhouse and Forfar Rd. We will also have to deal with some services issues atthe same time. At the moment we are anticipating two weeks of work,weather dependant, however we will strive to reduce this timescale if wecan.
Fountainbleau drive will remain closed.
The traffic management will be off peak only that is 9.30-15.30 and also19.30-05.30. we will only take up the evening off peak closure oncertain occasions. At these times the fast lane on both the North andSouth bound will be closed. The off peak closure means that the cones are lifted during high volumes of traffic. There will automated signs positioned on the Kingsway and Forfar road toupdate driver of any forthcoming changes.
For everyone's safety the speed limit will be reduced to 30mph, pleasebe patient and allow extra time for your journey.
Once this phase is completed the works will move to full contraflow while each side of the junction is totally reconstructed.
Pitkerro Road (Happyhillock Road to Longhaugh Road), Dundee – Carriageway Resurfacing (WORKS EXPECTED TO LAST 2 WEEKS)
In the interest of public safety, a road closure will be implemented and traffic will be diverted via Happyhillock Road, Drumgeith Road, Whitfield Drive, Fintry Terrace and reverse, for the duration of the works.
No on-street parking will be allowed on the section of carriageway being worked on. Restricted access will be maintained from the Happyhillock Road to service businesses within the closed section of road. However, we ask that vehicular traffic movements be kept to a minimum, where possible. Please note that pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained throughout the works.
Details of this are below;
Further to our previous correspondence we are now in the position tostart the work on the trunk roads in Dundee. A reminder to you that wewill be converting the existing roundabouts at Kingsway/Forfar road andClaverhouse to light controlled junctions. This work will be carried outin phases and we will keep all of you up to date as the work progresses.
The first phase of the works which will commence on the 3rd September2007 will entail the construction of two cross over points on the verges above and below the existing roundabout at the junction of Claverhouse and Forfar Rd. We will also have to deal with some services issues atthe same time. At the moment we are anticipating two weeks of work,weather dependant, however we will strive to reduce this timescale if wecan.
Fountainbleau drive will remain closed.
The traffic management will be off peak only that is 9.30-15.30 and also19.30-05.30. we will only take up the evening off peak closure oncertain occasions. At these times the fast lane on both the North andSouth bound will be closed. The off peak closure means that the cones are lifted during high volumes of traffic. There will automated signs positioned on the Kingsway and Forfar road toupdate driver of any forthcoming changes.
For everyone's safety the speed limit will be reduced to 30mph, pleasebe patient and allow extra time for your journey.
Once this phase is completed the works will move to full contraflow while each side of the junction is totally reconstructed.
Pitkerro Road (Happyhillock Road to Longhaugh Road), Dundee – Carriageway Resurfacing (WORKS EXPECTED TO LAST 2 WEEKS)
In the interest of public safety, a road closure will be implemented and traffic will be diverted via Happyhillock Road, Drumgeith Road, Whitfield Drive, Fintry Terrace and reverse, for the duration of the works.
No on-street parking will be allowed on the section of carriageway being worked on. Restricted access will be maintained from the Happyhillock Road to service businesses within the closed section of road. However, we ask that vehicular traffic movements be kept to a minimum, where possible. Please note that pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained throughout the works.